Posted: Apr 01, 2014
Feaher River Golden Eagels traveled to Sacramento once again for the ARC Invite. The drive down was a little slow as we
encountered rain the entire way. To our surprise arriving to the meet we were informed that schools were leaving and more
than half decided not to show. It was around 55 degrees, windy, and pouring down rain. We had a choice to turn around and head back
to the mountains, or stick it out and hope that others would be running as well. Our ladies weathered the storm! Warming up in the parking garage and
trying as hard as they could to stay warm, out of the rain before it was time to race. Adrienne Roane had an exceptional day! These ladies could've done
what most athletes did, throw in the towel and call it a day. Instead, they took the opportunity to compete in less than favorable circumstances and get another
race under their wheels. As a coach I couldn't be more proud of these ladies. Their work ethic and spirit is respectable and strong! When you see these
Golden Eagles, give 'em a high five!